Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Hair Cut and Fashion Accessory

We found some kids hair clippers on sale for 50% off, so we figured since I'll probably continue to cut his hair to save us money, we'd make the investment. Here is the first hair cut he got with the fancy clippers. A lot came off, but I'm sure it will all grow back in about two weeks since that's about how often I have to cut his lovely growing mane. He's growing up for sure. Today I needed to run into the grocery store for a few things, so Evan took Z to the Dollar Store next door and then brought Z back wearing his new fashion accessory. (Apparently Evan couldn't resist;) He was grinning ear to ear and wanted to wear them the whole time in the store. Such a little star!

Just 3.5 short months before he becomes a big brother and turns the ripe age of 2. He's already learned to be a great helper on many fronts including picking up his toys, vacuming the carpet, helping mom carry laundry into the washer, taking out the trash and recyclables with dad and he loves to carry his dad's lunch box and water bottle to the car before he leaves for work every morning. We love him and his fun little personality.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Waiting for Dad to get Home

Right before Evan is about to arrive home, we play in the front room and wait for him. As you can see, Z expounds a lot of energy and is extra excited when he realized his dad pulled into the driveway!

Science Center and Swimming

Today our neighbors invited us to the Science Center with them. They bought a family pass and received some friend passes they kindly let Zander and I use. Zander and Owen had the best time looking at frogs, turtles, alligators and dinosaurs. Playing on cars, in water with little toy boats, even riding the elevator. It was a nice day. After we got home and had lunch and naps, Zander and I went swimming since it's been so incredibly hot. The water was almost not enjoyable, because it was so warm. It's been a nonstop day of playing and I'm sure we will sleep good tonight!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


This weekend we took Zander to watch airplanes out closer toward the airport. Everytime he hears one, he points up in the sky and utters something that "almost" sounds like plane, but sounds a little more like uhhh...he got excited to see them a little closer than normal.

We also stopped by the park where we had his first birthday party.

He proficiently says mama and dada and squirrel (which sounds more like gurl) and lizard. (which sounds like dizard) He also says bird quite well. Cat and Dog which also sound like Hat and Awg. He does a lot of sign language, so that is our primary means of communication at the moment. We expect him to bust out in full sentences anyday now. He has been eating at the regular dinner table with us for the last month or so. Four months until he becomes a big brother. He loves loves loves babies and always sits next to them and marvels when he is around them. That's a good thing, we think!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010