Monday, November 23, 2009

Zander's First Birthday Party

We gathered up some of Zander's little friends at a local duck pond park on Sunday for a rubber ducky birthday party. He had fun listening to people sing happy birthday to him, opening presents and eating his very first cupcake. Here are some pictures from the fun day.

Duck Fare


Zander's First Cupcake


Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Disney Birthday Celebration

We packed up the car and went out to Celebration to stay a few nights at the Mona Lisa Suites so we could go to Disney for Zander and Evan's birthday. The hotel was great and God couldn't have provided a more picture perfect day as far as weather (80 degrees) and park attendance (low) was concerned. Zander really enjoyed the time and for the first time ever took a nap in his stroller. After we left the park, we wrapped up the day at the Rainforest Cafe for a birthday dinner. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment. I have some video I'll have to upload later.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let's Get Movin

So Zander decided he must walk on his own before he turns the ripe age of ONE in a few days. He doesn't prefer walking as his main source of transportation yet, but I'm sure that's coming soon enough. Here is a sneak peak of his little jaunts around the house like, "yea, i walk, it's no big thang."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fun with Balloon

Today we took Zander to Chick Fil A at lunch and a guy in the lobby gave him a balloon. He was in some sort of magical place. A few videos of the fun.

Shamu and Friends

We were blessed to win two - four day passes to Sea World Adventure Parks, they have to be used by 12/17/09, so we took Zander to Sea World this past Sunday. We only stayed about four hours, but he had a great time. Here are a few pictures of our adventure. It was a fun day!

(Zander looking at an aquarium)

(Strolling around the park, watching people)

(Killer Whale Show)

(Our first impulse buy for Zander, a light saber, to try to keep him quiet during a cirque du soliel type show at Sea World, sadly $5 didn't buy much time since he had just lasted an hour waiting for Shamu)

(Playing the drums in Kiddie Park Area)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Countdown to ONE!

Just two weeks from now and we'll be celebrating both Zander's first birthday and Evan's 34th birthday. We have all kinds of festivities planned from a free birthday entrance into Disney to a Rubber Ducky party for Zander over his birthday weekend.

He received his first birthday presents from his Grandpa Noble the other day. He bought him a dump truck and a musical piano off his wish list. He insisted Z play with them right away, so he's already been enjoying them these early days of November.