Saturday, February 21, 2009

Whoo Hoo!

Last night for the first time ever Zander slept 6.5 hours straight. He is still sleeping now, so I have a moment to post a blog while Evan is at OCC. Here is a picture Evan took the other day of him having naptime with the dogs. Note Ramone's tongue is hanging out of his mouth.

Friday, February 20, 2009

To Sleep or not to Sleep - That is the Question!

Z has been all over the board in his sleeping patterns lately. Wednesday night Evan and I had about 1.5 hours of sleep for the evening and the rest of the week was better with about 6 hours of total sleep in 2 hour intervals each night. He's still been talking a lot this week and loves to do a new balancing trick in his dad's hand, as shown here. I took some video, but it's formatted the wrong way, so you'll have to settle for the picture.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Growing Up Too Fast!

Things have been going 1 million miles an hour over here, so I haven't been able to post as much about my favorite little man. This morning I snapped a picture of him on his changing table after his bath before I went to work. He was all smiles. Nothing melts my heart more than seeing a little smile from Z. He's the best. Hard to believe he is over three months old now. When we weighed him this weekend he was just at 15 lbs. He's growing up too quick already. He loves his hands, you often find him trying to shove two in his mouth at the same time, creating a pool of drool, hence the bib. And he's been talking up a storm.
His favorite word is "ungee". You know what that means, don't you?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Puppies and Alligators and Camo - Oh My!

I suppose if Zander could dress himself, he'd wear something similar to this. His parents are responsible for the lack of coordination in this instance - it was cold so we added an alligator hat to his normal camo sleep sack attire...... The important thing is he was warm!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Big Yawn

I wasn't really ready to get up this morning, but Zander was - And he was up much earlier than usual and alert as could be - even though he yawned several times. I put him in bed with Evan and watched him talk the morning away. I had to get the camera to capture some shots even though the lights were dim. It was painful to be up before the rooster crows, but the pain quickly subsided as I just watched Zander giggle and gur the morning away. I love him to pieces!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Zander's Dedication

Today we had Zander dedicated at church. He was one of four babies dedicated in the service we attended today. Here is a picture of us with our pastor and another of Zander with Pastor Isaac. We did get some video (thanks Dave) of the actual dedication but it may take us some time to get it up on the blog. We had tons of family and friends come out to celebrate this special day, which was a real encouragement. Thanks to Sara Nix for taking pictures for us. A great day indeed!