Monday, December 28, 2009

Afternoon Snack

Zander has been more than tolerant of our efforts to get the house ready to sell (which by the way is official as of 12/31/09), so I made most of the day devoted to him starting out with his new hillsong kids dvd followed by a special mommy/son lunch, a wagon ride and afternoon snacks outside at his picnic table. All good fun. Hopefully I'll get some pictures of Christmas posted soon. Zander had fun, he got all kinds of fun stuff, including a wagon, rocket, car keys, cell phone, wheeled giraffe, xylophone, dvds, books and clothes.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


While Zander has done a good job for some time now with a sippy cup, I have kind of neglected trying to get him to eat with a spoon. When he started picking up food with his fingers, he wasn't interested in eating baby food anymore, he was Mr. Independent. And I must also admit, I wasn't in the mood to try to clean up food from flying spoons off the wall. The last week or so I figured I better get to work here, so I've given him a plastic spoon and he seems to know just what to do with it. Although sometimes he tries to eat from the wrong end. Here is a short video.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A New Season

The last few weeks we've been working feverishly around our house to get ready to put it on the market. Yep, I never thought we would move, but for various reasons the timing seems right for us, so we are heading in that direction to see what God will do. We've been prepared for Christmas physically since the end of November. Tree up, lights up, presents wrapped/shipped. Then we moved straight into sodding, painting and other random house activities. I have to say, it's just about in tip top shape around here. In some ways I'm sad this may be our last year in this house we've lived in for ten years, but in other ways I'm excited to see what the future holds. We have such great neighbors, such as Zander's friend,Owen, who lives next door that we will miss if we do indeed move.

As we prepare, Zander has been helping us out during our trips at Home Depot, where he likes to play with paint brushes while I wait to get paint mixed.

He also likes to take time out to play with dad on the front lawn to help him refresh during a hard day's work.

After today, we are taking a break from all the hoopla to prepare our hearts to focus on the reason for this season, the LOVE that came down. I'll leave you with a video from my new favorite Christmas song this season by Downhere called How Many Kings, click the link and take a minute and soak in the lyrics. Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas in July

Well, I guess it's only 10 days away from Christmas, but you wouldn't know it from the 85 degree weather. I took Zander to the park today and he was running around on all the sidewalks like he was free from his normal four walls, also known as our house. Here is a little video clip.