Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our 8 Month Old Lil' Rockstar

For our ten year anniversary and Zander's 8 month of life celebration, we went to stay the weekend at the Gaylord Palms hotel out toward Disney. It was our first time being away from the house for longer than a few hours with Zander and he did a fantastic job! While we stayed there, they had a little scavenger hunt for kids 10 and under as part of their "Summer Rocks" promotion. Zander collected these cool glasses and blow up microphone as part of his Rock Star attire. The picture is not the best quality since it was taken from my phone, but hey, it was quite an organized event to even get the microphone right side up in a shot when the glasses were on, so figured had to show something for all the effort. Happy 8 months to our precious little boy!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

High Five Ramone

Zander is starting to scoot around in the sitting position pretty well, as seen here where he is giving our dog, Ramone, a high five. I put him on the kitchen floor while I'm cooking dinner and he can scoot all around. He rocks back and forth, probably preparing to crawl. He screams a high pitch yell frequently, I encourage him on saying he can do better that- it wasn't loud enough even though it was quite loud;) Any day now I expect I'll be chasing him down daily. He's in his big boy car seat, almost coming in at 22 pounds now, top of his class! He makes all kinds of funny faces and noises. And he thinks if he can get ahold of the remote control that he is master of the world! It's hard to believe, this weekend Evan and I will celebrate ten years of marriage and 8 months of Zander! Time flies when your having fun!