Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Meet Our Neighbors

Our neighbors Larry, Susan and their little boy Owen came over last week for dinner. Zander and Owen are two months apart in age. I was surprised how much they interacted together, pushing the ball back and forth. Owen is much more mobile than Zander, so I see I don't have much longer before I'm chasing around my little sweetie!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Open Up And Show Those Choppers!

I was finally able to get a picture of Zander's choppers. These are still the only two he has with no signs of others coming in quite yet!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Meet Bernard

This is Bernard, Zander's little rabbit friend he loves to nibble on. He has several other friends that have to be washed on a regular basis, including Mr. Bear, Tigger and Mr. Puppy. He has an appreciation for Bernard these days; and swinging from my hair like he's tarzan.

Monday, June 8, 2009


You know your little boy is growing up too quick when he has started drinking water out of a sippy cup. We've moved on to three small meals a day and his latest foods are asparagus, pears and barley. Celery, zucchini, peas and eggs are next on the roster. He's moving into 6-9 month clothes, started having his teeth and gums brushed daily and his hair which thinned out for a little while is growing in fuller. He loves tags, yes folks, those tags on pillows, stuffed animals, and washcloths are more intriguing than toys. He loves to have his bible read to him, gets mad when you stop and generally scratches at the pages while you read. Moses and the ten commandments seems to be of the most interest lately. He'll be out of his infant carseat this week and moving into the big boy car seat. He loves to splash his feet in the bath tub and suck a wet wash cloth.

We bought him an infant floaty for the pool and will start taking him in the water to get acquainted soon. Formal swimming lessons are to come in the next month or two. He's giggling up a storm and LOVES to drop things overboard for his mommy to pick up. We are trying to savor each of his fun little changes. He slept 10.5 hours through last night without waking up once, that was a record. I slept 7 hours straight uninterrupted as a result, it's been a long time. Cheers to that!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Original Gangsta

I'm big and bad and I can beat you up, sucka! Zander's first words;) He had his six month appointment on Friday, 20 lbs 15 oz, a strong boy! He started drinking a little water, has two teeth on the bottom and is chattering up a storm. Lots of fun. Evan and I laugh and smile a lot!