Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Foot, it's what's for dinner!

Look at what our talented little lad can do now!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Zander is 6 months today

Zander is six months today, all I can say is YAY and WOW!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hands and Blankets - The Breakfast of Champions

Zander can fully sit up by himself after being put into sitting position, but he can't go from laying down to sitting up yet. I expect to go in his room any day to see him sitting up in his crib, but not yet. Here is a video of him eating the breakfast of champions!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Playtime Kisses

Zander had his first official playtime a couple weeks ago. He's been around other little ones, but has never really been able to interact much yet. One of our friends brought over a 15 month old girl she was babysitting, Lili, and she hung out with Zander. Needless to say, Zander already weighs four pounds more at six months than Lili at 15 months - she is walking and he is not even crawling yet - he definitely wins in the hair department though. Lili was very sweet sharing his toys with him and then taking them away. He just watched with confusion. She kept giving him kisses, here is a snapshot my friend captured.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Zander's First Trip to the Beach

We took Zander to Bethune Beach the last Sunday in April, his first time to see the ocean. Our church had a beach baptism there, over 81 people were baptized as a result of deciding to follow Jesus. There were about 1,000 people that showed up to support those going into the water, so Zander spent time with a bunch of different friends. Evan and I were baptized almost three years ago to the day at the same beach. Of course, I forgot my camera, so I had to settle for these few pictures taken from my cell phone.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Conclusion of a busy week!

This past week was a full one. Zander and I cooked over 100 servings of baby food and put them in the freezer for easy access. Sweet Potatoes, Acorn Squash, Butternut Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Mango and Peaches are the next foods he will try out. In addition, he has already been eating bananas in the morning. Sometimes with oatmeal, sometimes plain. He's been eating food two times a day now, about 1 Tablespoon per meal. We have his six month appointment coming up at the end of this month. I can't believe it. Time is flying. And a tooth appears to be about to break the surface. I'll try to post pictures when it's official. He loves when I read to him from his children's bible and he enjoys him some Postman Pat. Postman, Postman Pat, can you guess what's in his bag? If you don't have Qubo, you have no idea what I'm talking about. He was in the nursery at church the first time this weekend. He did pretty good...lasted about 45 minutes before we heard him crying and Evan went to get him. (We sat by the door close to the nursery:) It probably pained us more than him. We've been to visit friends this week, to the vegetable stand, to vacum out the car, on walks and he's enjoyed plenty of playtime.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Watching the NBA Playoffs with Dad

Zander enjoyed the nail biting experience of watching one of the NBA playoff games on tv with his dad this past weekend. (Mavericks vs. Heat in case you were wondering)

He also had a little play time and verbalized his opinion during the commercials.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'm in the Band!

Give a maraca to Zander and he'll show you how to shake it!